Cognitive function

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Sept. 24 Omega-3s webinar

Do omega-3s have place in pandemic plan? Tune in on Thursday to find out

By Hank Schultz

Omega-3s are the one of the oldest and best researched of ingredients, but new science is being done all the time. A NutraIngredients-USA webinar this week will look at some of the emerging evidence in immune health, sports nutrition, cognitive benefits...

Getty Images / Songsak Paname

Technology fuels omega-3 growth

By Danielle Masterson

Fortune Business Insights’ recent report predicts the increasing demand for omega-3 in nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals and the functional foods sector is creating lucrative growth opportunities for the global omega-3 fatty acids market.

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Elysium launches supplement aimed at slowing brain atrophy

By Hank Schultz

Elysium Health has launched a new brain health supplement based on research done at the University of Oxford. The supplement, called Matter, pairs a high dose suite of B vitamins with specially formulated omega-3s from fish oil.

© Getty Images dusanpetkovic

How gut microbiome affects host behavior: Study

By Danielle Masterson

With about 90% of serotonin receptors located in the gut, it is easy to understand why the gut is often referred to as the "second brain." While we do know that what we eat affects the microbiome and the brain, how the microbiome in turn impacts...

© Getty Images KatarzynaBialasiewicz

CBD for mood: Going green to ease the blues

By Danielle Masterson

During these unprecedented times, many are undergoing a great amount of stress, leading many to seek out natural products to manage stress and boost their mood.

Getty Images ChrisChrisW

Gut bacteria have direct line to brain: Mouse study

By Danielle Masterson

New research demonstrated significant direct communications between the central nervous system and the gut, finding that microbiota modulate sympathetic neurons through the a gut–brain circuit.

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Stress Less | Find Calm | Sleep Sound

Stress Less | Find Calm | Sleep Sound

Holixer™, this cutting-edge ingredient derived from the revered Ayurvedic herb Ocimum tenuiflorum (Holy Basil), offers a new approach to stress & sleep...