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Bad day at the EU health claims office

Bad day at the EU health claims office

October 1 was not a good day for many in the functional foods and food supplements business in the European Union as the meaning of life under a highly restrictive health claims regime came more into focus.

General Mills sued over probiotic claims

General Mills sued over probiotic claims

By Shane Starling

The legal firm that mounted the class action against Dannon that resulted in a $35m out-of-court settlement, is one of several law firms that have mounted a similar action against another probiotic product, this time General Mills’ Yo-Plus.

Folic acid may also boost baby’s behaviour

Folic acid may also boost baby’s behaviour

By Stephen Daniells

Recommendations to increase folic acid intakes during the early stages of pregnancy may reduce mental and emotional health problems in children, says a new study.

The benefits of a probiotic witch hunt

The benefits of a probiotic witch hunt

Get your pitchforks ready! There are evil-doers out there! We’ve been conned: Probiotics don’t work. Dannon’s settling out of court, EFSA’s rejecting health claims, and the media is starting a witch hunt.

FDA ‘motivates’ firms to correct violations

FDA ‘motivates’ firms to correct violations

By Lorraine Heller

A warning letter close-out process implemented this month by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hopes to encourage firms to take corrective action – but so far even responses to warning letters are lacking.

Nestle’s thinking on brain health

Nestle’s thinking on brain health

By Stephen Daniells

Nestle is investing tens of millions of Euros in brain health. Dr Jeroen Schmitt, head of cognitive sciences at the Nestle Research Center in Switzerland explains why it's not naive to think that diet can boost mental development in our children,...

Inside Yakult's probiotic science culture

Inside Yakult's probiotic science culture

In HG Wells’ The War of the Worlds it is not the almighty weapons of humanity that defeated the invading Martians. It is a lack of immunity to the earth’s tiny pathogenic bacteria.

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