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Does CLA boost bone health for men?

Does CLA boost bone health for men?


Long-term intakes of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) may be associated with bone strength in men, says a new study from Canada and Australia, but the conclusions have been questioned by a leading CLA supplier.

Shareholder rights law firm investigates Neptune

Shareholder rights law firm investigates Neptune

Zeldes & Haeggquist, a San Diego based shareholders rights law firm, has announced an investigation into possible securities violations by Neptune Technologies & Bioressources following the destruction by fire of the company’s production facilities...

ITC dismisses CoQ10 patent case

ITC dismisses CoQ10 patent case

By Stephen Daniells

The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) has terminated its investigation into alleged patent infringement of certain coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) products and production methods following a complaint by Japan’s Kaneka Corporation.

NPA expands social media footprint

NPA expands social media footprint

By Hank Schultz

The Natural Products Association is expanding its social media presence with new pages on Pinterest and Google +, the organization announced recently.

Foreign facilities falling behind on FSMA, consultant says

Foreign facilities falling behind on FSMA, consultant says

By Hank Schultz

A large number of foreign food facilities likely will not be in compliance with the Food Safety Modernization Act re-registration guidelines when the deadline passes at the end of the year, a consultant has said.

Neptune and Aker facing off in court yet again

Krill wars

Neptune and Aker facing off in court yet again

By RJ Whitehead

Australia is the site of the latest battle between Neptune and Aker Biomarine. In addition to patent strife between the two krill majors in American courts, Canadian Neptune has now announced that it filed opposition to an Aker patent application earlier...

Flaxseed shows blood pressure-lowering potential: Study

Flaxseed shows blood pressure-lowering potential: Study

By Stephen Daniells

Daily consumption of flaxseed-fortified bakery products may reduce blood pressure levels in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD), suggests new data presented at the November American Heart Association 2012 Scientific Sessions.

USANA chooses science over speed, official says

USANA chooses science over speed, official says

By Hank Schultz

USANA Health Sciences has taken a conservative approach to new product development, making it a company lean on products but long on trust, says Brian Dixon, PhD, executive director of new product development.

Evolva pays €550,000 for Fluxome resveratrol business

Evolva pays €550,000 for Fluxome resveratrol business

By Shane Starling

Swiss biotech firm Evolva has bought failing Fluxome’s, yeast-derived resveratrol business for about €550,000 in cash and shares, but says it has no interest in the remaining omega-3 business being sold by sealed auction.

Challenge models hold promise for probiotic claim substantiation

New models hold promise for probiotic claim substantiation

By Nathan Gray

Exposing healthy people to modified pathogens in a controlled clinical trial setting could be an exciting new way for industry to overcome the challenges of health claim substantiation, says Nizo Food Research expert.

Vitamins celebrate centenary with EU health claim gifts

Vitamins: A Centenary of essential nutrients

Birthday gifts: Vitamins celebrate centenary with EU health claim wins

By Shane Starling

2012 is turning out to be a very good year for the vitamins sector. Aside from the feel good factor of the essential nutrients turning 100, vitamins have also won a bag of health claims in the European Union to go with those already existing in other...

Looking forward: The emerging evidence for vitamins and health

Vitamins: A centenary of essential nutrients

Looking forward: The emerging evidence for vitamins and health

By Nathan Gray

In the last 100 years vitamins have been found to play vital roles in our health and wellbeing, but the full benefits of many vitamins is yet to be elucidated.In this special edition article NutraIngredients looks at some of the areas of vitamin research...

Sensa is claimed to help dieters lose more than 30 lbs. in six months.

Sensa satiety crystals maker settles two false advertising lawsuits

By Hank Schultz

The manufacturer of Sensa satiety crystals has agreed to settlements in two cases alleging false advertising.  In one case the company settled a false advertising lawsuit filed by several California district attorneys.  In the other, the company agreed...

Neptune to outsource production as part of recovery plan

Neptune to outsource production as part of recovery plan

By Hank Schultz

Neptune Technologies and Bioressources has announced a plan to recover from an explosion and fire at its processing plant in Sherbrooke, Quebec that put a halt to production of  the company’s krill oil products.

Global healthy foods to hit $1 trillion in 2017: Report

Global healthy foods to hit $1 trillion in 2017: Report

By Shane Starling

The global functional, allergen-free, organic and other healthy foods market will push through the $1 trillion (€770m) mark for the first time in 2017, as consumer interest in preventing illness via foods snowballs, says Euromonitor International.

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