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NPA submits Citizen Petition on labeling of mushrooms & mycelia

By Stephen Daniells

The Natural Products Association (NPA) is seeking clarity on the labeling of fungi ingredients in dietary supplements, with a Citizen Petition requesting FDA to incorporate aspects of guidance from the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA).

Image courtesy of TSI

TSI’s FZZR tech stirs up delivery format opportunities

By Stephen Daniells

With non-pills eclipsing pill formats in the US dietary supplements space, formulators and brands are looking for new innovations to differentiate products on the shelves. TSI’s FZZR technology offers “the best of powders and the best of effervescents...

NIU celebrates innovators making their mark on women's health

NIU celebrates innovators making their mark on women's health

By Danielle Masterson

Across a woman’s lifetime, we experience a variety of differing health challenges. The Innovations in Women's Health Award, first introduced in 2022, set out to identify innovators that our judges could confidently call the ‘best of the best.’

The skinny on berberine: Is it really #naturesozempic?

The skinny on berberine: Is it really #naturesozempic?

By Asia Sherman

Botanical extract berberine rose to viral fame earlier this year, touted by TikTok influencers as a weight loss miracle molecule and given the hashtag #naturesozempic. Social media, however, may not always be a credible source of information.

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Clinical trial supports TamaFlex joint health benefits

By Stephen Daniells

A combination of standardized extracts of tamarind seeds and turmeric may improve joint comfort and function, aerobic capacity, and lower body strength in people with mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis, says a new study.

Rhodiola rosea: Adjusting to life as an endangered species

Rhodiola rosea: Adjusting to life as an endangered species

By Asia Sherman

The global demand for Rhodiola rosea – also known as "golden root" or "roseroot" – has been increasing steadily since the late 20th century, so much so that it now faces restrictions in international trade brought on by exploitative...

NutraCast: How Motherlove's 4-day work week boosts productivity

NutraCast: How Motherlove's 4-day work week boosts productivity

By Danielle Masterson

Nearly 95% of people desire a flexible work schedule, with flexibility ranking only second to compensation when it comes to what determines workplace satisfaction. This is according to new research from Future Forum, Slack’s research consortium, which...

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Prior conditions impact effectiveness of sleep supplements, study finds

By Olivia DeSmit

In a study recently published in Nutrients, researchers found a link between prior conditions and the effectiveness of sleep supplements. The four supplements tested, l-theanine, GABA, AVLE and l-serine resulted in better sleep overall, and improved certain...