Archives for September 23, 2013

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From the 20th International Congress of Nutrition in Granada, Spain

Unilever: Healthier food choices must be ‘doable’


The food industry came under attack last week at the International Congress of Nutrition (#ICN20) for not doing enough to improve the healthiness of its portfolios…unfairly, says Unilever.

Resveratrol shows fat cell shrinking potential: Human data


Thirty days of supplementation with resveratrol were associated with a reduction in the size of fat cells, with genetic tests showing various pathways for fat breakdown, researchers from the Netherlands report.

Explicit goals and open partnerships seen as keys to innovation success

By Hank Schultz

Innovation.  It’s a word you hear on many executives’ lips.  Sure, it’s reassuring rhetoric for investors, as it means a company is not resting on its laurels.  But what does it mean, exactly?  The answer, for all too many companies, even some large...

Calcium, vitamin D opportunity grows as osteoporosis prevalence rises

By Hank Schultz

Osteoporosis continues to be a silent killer. A major fracture can be the start of a fatal cascade for an older patient, yet the majority of elderly patients still do not receive a bone density test after an initial fracture, according to The National...