Archives for August 15, 2010

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Vitamin D could reduce mold allergies

By Nathan Gray

Vitamin D may protect asthmatics from an allergic response linked to common mold, suggests a new study from the US supporting the vitamin’s immune health effects.

Stable Q1 for Hawaii’s Cyanotech

Cyanotech has reported a steady Q1 2011 for both its bulk raw materials and branded packaged goods, and says it is making good progress with new retail channels.

‘MacStatins’ are not the answer to unhealthy food

By Stephen Daniells

Do you want a statin with that cheeseburger and milkshake? Touting pharmaceuticals as the neutralisers of fast food is not the answer to unhealthy diets and even the suggestion sends out the wrong message.

Lawyers present EU health claims overview for US firms

By Lorraine Heller

Legal experts for the food industry will this week hold a briefing on the European health claims regulatory landscape, designed to help US food exporters understand the current issues facing the industry.