Fatty fish may slash men’s heart failure risk
One portion of fatty fish per week may reduce a man’s risk of heart failure, according to new research from the US and Sweden.
News, Analysis & Insights on Nutrition, Supplements, and Health
One portion of fatty fish per week may reduce a man’s risk of heart failure, according to new research from the US and Sweden.
Increased intakes of antioxidant carotenoids, and particularly lycopene, may reduce the risk of developing the metabolic syndrome by about 50 per cent, says a new study.
Sabinsa has achieved self-certification for its Amla ingredient, Saberry, after an independent panel of scientifists took no issue with its safety and toxicology data.
Including both walnuts and fish products in the diet is required to reduce risks of coronary heart disease, says a new study funded by the California Walnut Commission.
President Obama made two appointments within the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) on Friday, to run the department’s public nutrition programs, and to oversee US agricultural research and education.