Archives for March 24, 2009

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Fish oil sustainability paper generates heated response

By Lorraine Heller

An article published last week in the Canadian Medical Association Journal has generated a flow of criticism for its claims that fish oil is not healthy enough to warrant its depletion of global fish stocks. publishes a selection...

Mothers seek simple nutrition over trendy ingredients, survey

By staff reporter

Mothers looking to purchase healthy foods for their children are less attracted by “trendy” ingredients like omega-3s than they are by the simple benefits delivered in nutritious food, according to a nationwide survey.

Cargill shelves omega-3 (for now)

By Shane Starling

Biotech giant, Cargill, has ceased work on its nascent fish oil-sourced omega-3 offering less than two years after it debuted with a high-profile launch in May, 2007.