Archives for May 19, 2008

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Tapping into changing consumer preferences

Peter Wennstrom, president of HealthFocus Europe, and a leading branding consultant, says the next big change in the nutrition industry is not about taste or convenience, but change it self.

First Milk grant delivers green whey project

By  Shane Starling

A major UK dairy and ingredients supplier has completed a facility renovation after being awarded a Welsh government grant to upgrade its plant while making it more environmentally friendly.

Smoothies cause rift between dieticians and dentists

By  Jess Halliday

A recent review that casts a rosy glow on the trend for fruit smoothies because they can help consumers meet five a day fruit-and-veg targets has caused uproar amongst dentists, who say the sugar and acid content can cause tooth erosion.

How to behave with new parents

Being bought out by Iranex won't change French herbal extracts supplier Bio Serae's independent approach, says managing director, Olivier Houalla.

Soy comes of age

The soy ingredients market has grown up a lot in 20 years. Solbar vice president of marketing and development Gary Brenner casts an eye over a mature ingredients sector.