Archives for March 10, 2008

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EFSA criticised for 'flawed' botanical methods

By  Shane Starling

Industry groups have criticised a European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) working group over the "medicinal approach" being favoured for regulating botanical supplements.

Value-added churns profits for Friesland

By  Jess Halliday

Friesland Foods' strategy of developing value-added ingredients from dairy instead of supplying bulk commodities looks to be paying off, as its industrial division saw a 24 per cent increase in revenue in 2007.

Second-generation prebiotics get clinical trial support

By  Stephen Daniells

A novel mixture of prebiotic galacto-oligosaccharides may selectively boost levels of friendly bacteria in the gut, showing that manufacture prebiotics can be tailored for higher selectivity, UK researchers report.

Oxygen water mounts science-driven comeback

By  staff reporter

An 'enhanced' bottled water widely lambasted for its health-boosting claims since its 2001 launch in the US has re-launched with what it claims is fresh scientific backing.

The importance of quality assurance

Naturex talks about the importance of sourcing quality-assured ingredients, and the measures a company should have in place to ensure it meets the highest standards.