Regulation, legislation & enforcement

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Guest article

Regulatory Affairs: Your critical partner in innovation and business growth

By Elena Nekrasov, PhD, Senior Regulatory Scientist, Access Business Group, Amway

Getting your regulatory affairs department or a consultant involved early in the development process can save multiple headaches later when bringing new products to market. The global regulatory goalposts are moving all the time, and R&D teams need...

 © Getty Images / Ekaterina79


A product registry would go a long way toward weeding out bad actors

By Hank Schultz

The low barriers to entry in the dietary supplement industry create the risk that the good deeds of the many will be besmirched by the transgressions of the few. Fortunately, there is something that can be done about it, given enough collective will.

© Getty Images / Aleksandr_Kravtsov

Top FDA official: ‘Anyone who thinks CBD is lawful is mistaken’

By Stephen Daniells

“Just because we haven’t taken enforcement action people seem to think it [CBD] is OK,” said Steven Tave, director of the FDA’s Office of Dietary Supplement Programs, at a recent industry conference. “Anyone who thinks it is lawful is mistaken.”

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20 things we learned at the 2018 IPA DC Workshop

By Stephen Daniells

The Nagoya Protocol, the big changes coming for Lactobacillus classification, and how to boost your chances of success with an NDI notification were just some of the topic covered during the third annual IPA Workshop in DC.

Marketing CBD is mostly about risk tolerance, legal expert says

Marketing CBD is mostly about risk tolerance, legal expert says

By Hank Schultz

The source of CBD should be of concern for the companies marketing the ingredient, said a legal expert at a recent dietary supplement industry event. But he also said the regulatory landscape for the ingredient is shifting so fast that any opinions he...

© Getty Images / Ekaterina79

Supplement OWL Tier 2

CRN launches pilot program for Commercial Data Exchange (CDX)

By Stephen Daniells

As the Supplement OWL approaches 12,000 labels in its Tier 1 product label library, the Council for Responsible has announced a new pilot program to build out Tier 2, which will be known as the Commercial Data Exchange, or CDX.

© Getty Images / Aleksandr_Kravtsov

'Ignorance is amok... not even the investors are asking the right questions. It’s total anarchy'

SPECIAL FEATURE: What is the regulatory status of CBD in food and beverage products?

By Elaine Watson

If you ask the FDA or the DEA if CBD (cannabidiol) is permitted in foods, beverages and supplements, the answer is a pretty unequivocal NO. If you ask the scores of companies currently selling it in everything from CBD-infused soda to smoothie kits, the...

© Getty Images / Pat_Hastings


Ease of market entry poses risk for entire industry

By Hank Schultz

Does DHSEA contain within it the seeds of the industry’s downfall? The freewheeling marketplace this regulation created has placed the barriers to entry so low that less than reputable companies have room to maneuver, creating risk for the whole industry.

Are dietary supplements getting better?


Are dietary supplements getting better?

By Hank Schultz

Are dietary supplements getting ‘better?’ Or are the new products that come onto the market merely a matter of churn, replacing tired packaging and marketing concepts with updated versions?

Market continues to grow for prostate health products

Market continues to grow for prostate health products

By Hank Schultz

Prostate health is an often neglected area of men’s health, one that could drive significant growth in the future sales of herbal supplements as questions of healthy aging come to the fore, a prominent industry executive says.

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