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Confusion reigns in cosmeceutical name game

Confusion reigns in cosmeceutical name game

The term cosmeceutical has always been controversial, but the blurring boundaries between the worlds of nutrition and cosmetics are highlighting divisions that neither industry can ignore.

DSM courts academia with Science Awards

DSM courts academia with Science Awards

By Shaen Starling

Manfred Eggersdorfer, director of research and development at DSM Nutritional Products, sat down with Shane Starling to discuss the value of open innovation and business/academia interaction after the 2009 DSM Science and Technology Awards in Switzerland...

Selenium health claims: Too qualified to qualify?

Selenium health claims: Too qualified to qualify?

By Lorraine Heller

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has said it could allow the use of certain – very qualified – health claims linking selenium intake to a reduced risk of bladder, prostate and thyroid cancer.

Could probiotics affect behaviour?

Could probiotics affect behaviour?

By Stephen Daniells

Increasing knowledge of how the gut and brain is opening up the possibilities for probiotics. At the 5th International Yakult Symposium in Amsterdam, Stephen Daniells met Professor John Bienenstock from McMaster University to find out where the current...

Keys to functional foods success

Keys to functional foods success

By staff reporter

When shopping, consumers very quickly decide on a brand’s worth and unless they are making positive ticks in their minds to an array of factors, it is likely they will pass your functional food by, according to a leading consultant.

Cranberry and flax lead herbal supplement sales: Report

Cranberry and flax lead herbal supplement sales: Report

By Lorraine Heller

Data pooled from a number of market research sources indicates that sales of botanical and herbal dietary supplements have risen slowly but surely over the past year, with top selling products including cranberry and flaxeed.

Recession could create innovation opportunities

Dispatches from IFT

Recession could create innovation opportunities

In today’s challenging economy, large companies are increasingly looking to buy innovative finished products rather than developing their own, says Blue Pacific CEO Donald Wilkes.

Science supports dairy calcium for weight loss

Science supports dairy calcium for weight loss

By Stephen Daniells

Increased intakes of calcium can increase excretion of fat in the faeces, and may play a role in weight management and preventing weight gain, says a review of the science.

AERs reflect supplement usage patterns, says AHPA

AERs reflect supplement usage patterns, says AHPA

The adverse event reporting system for dietary supplements is an association system, not a cause and effect system, says trade group AHPA, stressing that high numbers of AERs linked to multivitamins does not mean the products are dangerous.

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