Denomega gains Friend of the Sea certification
The backing means Denomega’s cod liver products are sourced from traceable, sustainable fish and fisheries and it joins about 30 omega-3 suppliers more than countries including Morocco, China and Australia have used FOE assessment to “verify the sustainable origin of their products”.
As well as product-specific certifications, FOS has approved 30 fisheries and deemed eight non-sustainable.
It has backed Antarctic krill, the Atlantic menhaden and the Peruvian anchovy which covers the bulk of the marine-sourced omega-3 supply.
FOS-certified companies include Rimfrost, Neptune, Boehringer Ingelheim, Amundsen Omega3, BASF-Cognis, GlaxoSmithKline, Healthspan, Naturmega, Nordic Naturals, Omega Proteins, Swanson Health Products and Vifor Pharma.
FOS sustainable criteria includes:
- target stock to be not overexploited
- fishery to generate maximum 8% discards
- no by-catch of endangered species
- no impact on the seabed
- compliance with regulations (TAC, IUU, FOC, minimum size, etc)
- social accountability
- gradual reduction of carbon footprint