New Optisorb Vitamin C formulation features Fast-C

Quality of Life Labs will launch a new Optisorb Vitamin C product at Expo West in March featuring Scientific Food Solutions’ (SFS) vitamin C ingredient Fast-C.

Fast-C was developed by Scientific Food Solutions and is described as a unique, patent-pending composition that provides a buffered and over 90 percent acid neutralized vitamin C for stomach ease and greater tolerability. The ingredient also contains Sabinsa’s patented bioavailability enhancement ingredient BioPerine.

“The health food store retailer and consumer know very well the benefits of vitamin C, and will immediately understand the superiority of this combination," said SFS president Gretchen Reece. “We expect it to quickly become a popular product."

The new product combines Fast-C with N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) to amplify the impact of vitamin C and provide antioxidant, detoxification and immune support, said the company.

“Our core principle is to only use ingredients backed by human studies and to incorporate them in forms that have been clinically shown to deliver superior absorption and bioavailability. OptiSorb Vitamin C featuring Fast-C is an excellent example of those principles in action,” said Dan Lifton, COO of Quality of Life Labs.

The finished product will be sold at health food stores throughout the United States and in select overseas markets.