Vitiva makes lutein ester for smaller supplements

By Alex McNally

- Last updated on GMT

Vitiva is introducing a lutein ester ingredient extracted from
marigold flowers that is being aimed at enabling higher
dosages in dietary supplements in the US and Europe.

The Slovenian company claims to have developed a method to encapsulate the extract at higher levels, which will allow for smaller, more manageable, forms than previous industry standards.

Launching VitaLutS will also allow Vitiva to take advantage of the growing global lutein market, which according to a report last month is set to hit €93m by 2013, from a 2006 position of €78.4 million.

Frost & Sullivan's Global Market for Lutein in Human Nutrition also said that lutein in the application of eye health bodes well for the future of the ingredient, as eye health ranks among the top five health concerns in the United States and various European countries.

The powder ingredient, which will be available in tablets, capsules and soft gel applications, is also enhanced with zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin esters.

Many dietary supplement manufacturers face difficult obstacles encapsulating lutein into smaller tablets and capsules, the company said this morning, adding that VitaLutS will allow manufacturers to create reduced tablet and capsule sizes compared to industry-standard products.

Ohad Cohen, chief executive, said: "Our lutein ester is available in a wide range of purities up to 60 percent; it has much higher purity than other marigold extracts currently in the market, and allows formulators to use smaller amounts of the ingredient to reach the required dosages for tablets and capsules.

"Consumers will be much more attracted to taking one small pill of high-concentration lutein instead of consuming several, larger tablets per day.

Multivitamin producers are also able to use more of the active ingredient in their formulations ."

Lutein, a nutrient found in various foods including green leafy vegetables and egg yolk, has a ten-year history in the dietary supplement market as a nutrient to reduce the risk of age related macular degeneration (AMD).

AMD affects the central part of the retina called the macula, which controls fine vision, leaving sufferers with only limited sight.

AMD affects over 30 million people worldwide, and is the leading cause of blindness in people over 50.

A survey in April this year showed awareness of lutein in Europe has never been so high.

Kemin Health, maker of FloraGLO branded lutein, commissioned Frost & Sullivan to carry out the poll.

Three thousand consumers were questioned across Europe, producing some remarkable results.

For example in Portugal awareness had doubled compared to last year and surpassed the previous leaders, Germany, in the process.

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