Cyvex Nutrition has introduced a high-ORAC berry blend, standardized for phenol, ellagic acid and anthocyanin content, for use in nutritional supplements and functional foods.
The ingredient, called BerryVida, is made from strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and cranberries, combined with grape and pomegranate extracts.
Cyvex claims that BerryVida is supported by research demonstrating that fruit-derived antioxidants may protect against the onset of cardiovascular disease and cancer. The recommended dosage of BerryVida is 300mg per day.
Cyvex Nutrition founder Gilbert Gluck said: "We know that most consumers do not eat enough servings of fruits per day to give them the protective benefits that berries can afford. We developed this product to help consumers protect themselves against oxidative stress, a key factor in today's hectic lifestyles."
"This product has extraordinary potential in the dietary supplement and functional foods marketplace, as marketers can develop it as a stand-alone product or in combination with synergistic ingredients for formulas or foods," she added.
Other plant-based products from the Californian firm include the BioVin grape extract, AvoVida avocado and soy unsaponifiables and a rice policosanol product BioCosanol.