A stable, dry omega-3 formula
fatty acid oil, suitable for adding to baked goods such as cakes,
bars and pasta. The formula shows unprecedented shelf stability in
early tests, says Bioral Nutrient Delivery.
A new biotech firm has formulated a stable, dry powder from omega-3 fatty acid oil, suitable for adding to baked goods such as cakes, bars and pasta. The formula shows unprecedented shelf stability in early tests, said New Jersey-based Bioral Nutrient Delivery.
Bioral Omega-3 can also be added to beverages such as soymilk, milk, liquid yogurt, fruit juices and sports drinks, without altering taste or odor, although tests in a larger production setting have not yet been carried out, added the BioDelivery Sciences subsidiary.
The new product, which uses the company's licensed encochleation technology platform that "wraps" selected nutrients into a crystalline structure for use in processed foods, is made from calcium and the soy lipid phosphatidylserine.
Typically, DHA and EPA acquire an unpleasant fishy odor and taste upon storage and especially upon exposure to heat but the Bioral formulation looks and feels like flour, and has no fishy odor or fishy taste, claims the company.
Omega-3 fatty acids, such as DHA and EPA, are thought to promote cardiovascular health, suppress inflammation and fight depression. Last year the FDA approved a health claim for foods containing the fatty acids.
The new powder has been tested in food products subjected to baking and to stove-top heating and it has demonstrated an ability to protect the fatty acids from degradation due to heat.