The Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) at America's NationalInstitutes of Health (NIH) has released thethird issue of the Annual Bibliography of SignificantAdvances in Dietary Supplement Research. The publication, which presents significant research in the dietary supplement field for 2001, was developed by the ODS and the Consumer Healthcare ProductsAssociation (CHPA).
"The response to the 1999 and 2000 Bibliographies has been sopositive that we are continuing the series with a thirdedition. Interest and use of dietary supplements continuesto be prevalent in the United States population, whichheightens the importance of sound scientific research inthis field," said Paul Coates, ODS director.
"This bibliography provides an excellent opportunity togive well-deserved recognition to those scientistsconducting dietary supplement research."
The ODS, established at NIH inNovember 1995 as a result of the Dietary Supplement Healthand Education Act passed the year before, and CHPA received over 250 original research article nominations from 34 peer-reviewed journals for the new issue.
An international team of experts in nutrition and botanicalsciences and public health reviewed and ranked thearticles, selecting the top 25 articles forpublication. These included research on water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, fibre and soy, amino acids and fatty acids, botanicals and other dietary supplements, such as caffeine, glucosamine and melatonin.
The new Bibliography also listscitations of papers from the 1999 and 2000 AnnualBibliographies, allowing the reader to seetrends in dietary supplement research over the last threeyears and to follow up in areas of interest.
Rebecca B. Costello, Ph.D., deputydirector of ODS, said: "We envision that this bibliography willserve as a useful reference source for students, nutritionand health professionals, educators, and healthcommunicators, as well as the scientists who conduct theresearch."Copies of the third Annual Bibliography of SignificantAdvances in Dietary Supplement Research may be downloadedfrom the ODS website.