Warm Cream, a topical transdermal cream which works naturally to warm cold hands and feet by allowing warm blood to more readily reach the targeted area, will soon be available throughout the US for the first time.
Until now it has only been available in Vermont, home state of the cream's inventor, Dr Eric T. Fossel.The cream was originally invented to help Dr Fossel's wife, who was suffering from cold hands and feet.
After three years of research, Dr Fossel found a way to deliver the natural amino acid L-Arginine across the skin into the warm tissue below. Once the L-Arginine is in the tissue, it is converted to nitric oxide, which controls local blood flow through the production of c-GMP. The result is the restoration of normal blood flow to the area, which naturally warms the body.
Dr Fossel obtained two US patents and licensed them to Strategic Science & Technologies, which produces and markets the product.