Dietary Supplements

CRN hails Capital Hill outreach as it hits 112 in 112th

CRN hails Capital Hill outreach as it hits 112 in 112th

By Stephen Daniells

Continued outreach and an ongoing education program with members of Congress and their offices has seen the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) meet met with all 112 freshmen offices in the House and Senate in the 112th Congress.

Ullman & Mackay: Not happy

Dispatches from SupplySide East

NDI guidance could be 'gamechanger' for supplements trade

By Elaine Watson, Secaucus, New Jersey

Fears are mounting that the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) long-awaited guidance on new dietary ingredients (NDIs) could prove a “game changer” for the industry, and not in a good way.

‘Really outrageous’ claims on the wane in print/TV, says CRN

‘Really outrageous’ claims on the wane in print/TV, says CRN

By Elaine Watson

False and misleading claims – particularly on the web – continue to dent consumer confidence in supplements, but there are “fewer really outrageous claims on print and on TV today than there were five years ago”, according to the Council for Responsible...

FDA should allow for dietary supplements, says CRN

CRN: Phytosterol health claim should allow dietary supplements

By Stephen Daniells

The FDA’s proposed changes for a phytosterol-based coronary heart disease (CHD)-lowering health claim should allow for powdered dietary supplements containing free phytosterols, says the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN).

NPA: If drugs get tax breaks, why not supplements with FDA-approved claims?

NPA: Supplements backed by official health claims deserve tax breaks

By Elaine Watson

A Bill set to be introduced to Congress for the fourth time calling for tax breaks for dietary supplements backed by official health claims has a much better chance of success this time around, the Natural Products Association (NPA) has predicted.

Industry likes what it sees in the latest NCCAM five-year plan

Industry welcomes NCCAM five-year plan

By Shane Starling

Industry is singing the praises of a “pragmatic” National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) five-year plan that it says has responded to its concerns, along with those of consumers and academics, about CAM science and its translation...

Supplements have gained their best ever hearing in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines

Industry welcomes USDA Dietary Guidelines supplements shift

By Shane Starling

The US dietary supplements industry has welcomed the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans which demonstrated a thawing in attitude toward supplements use from a Guidelines committee that has previously baulked at recommending them.

Pharma research? Nutra research? Perhaps both...

CRN: IND guidance could run against spirit of DSHEA

By Shane Starling

As the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) prepares final guidance on Investigational New Drugs (INDs) a leading trade group has warned of the damaging effect on nutrient research that could follow if the application of INDs is not modified from the current...

GRAS approvals highlight Section 912 “nightmare”

GRAS approvals highlight Section 912 “nightmare”

By Shane Starling

Industry continues to urge the Food and Drug Administration to close the Section 912 loophole in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) that could allow nutrients such as omega-3s, L-arginine and baobab to be reclassified as drugs.

FTC denied expansion of powers

FTC denied expansion of powers

By Shane Starling

The Federal Trade Commission will not be granted extra authority to police healthy foods and supplements marketing – among other powers – after a provision that would have done just that was removed from a Bill designed to reform Wall Street practices.

Industry attacks McCain Bill for “regulatory overkill”

Industry attacks McCain Bill for “regulatory overkill”

By Shane Starling

Industry groups and legal experts have condemned the Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010 as an unnecessary threat to existing legislation that is already empowered to ensure dietary supplements in the United States are safe.

2009 review: FDA warning letters clampdown

2009 review: FDA warning letters clampdown

In 2008, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued 44 warning letters with internet cancer claims being the primary target. In 2009, the agency upped the ante, issuing 73 letters, half of which targeted swine flu (H1N1) products. Washington DC-based...

NPA: We need more cops, not laws

NPA: We need more cops, not laws

By Shane Starling

Responding to a call from the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) for greater regulation of the dietary supplements industry, trade groups have defended the legal status quo – fingering a lack of policing for a rise in contamination problems from...

Pontiakos: FDA is doing a fine job

Pontiakos: FDA is doing a fine job

By Shane Starling

George Pontiakos, the president and chief executive officer of California-based, BI Nutraceuticals, tells Shane Starling why he thinks the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should get more credit than it does.


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