Collagen supplements offer cellulite benefits: RCT study

By Will Chu

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Supplementation with specific collagen peptides may lead to improvements in skin appearance, say Gelita. (©
Supplementation with specific collagen peptides may lead to improvements in skin appearance, say Gelita. (©

Related tags Collagen peptides Body mass index Skin

Collagen peptide supplementation may improve the appearance of cellulite, says a new study that uses Gelita’s Verisol branded ingredient.

The research, published in the Journal of Medicinal Food​, demonstrated that specific collagen peptides tackled the condition itself helping to restore the normal structure of the dermal and subcutaneous tissue.

Verisol’s mechanism of action targets the skin’s metabolism.

Hydrolysed collagen is the traditional 'beauty from within' heavyweight. Research suggests that its bioavailability is enhanced when ingested, giving it an advantage over topical creams.

Study criteria

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After 3 months of treatment, a statistically significant cellulite score reduction was observed. (©

In the double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 105 women between 24–50 years of age received a daily dose of 2.5 g of Verisol collagen peptides or a placebo.

After three months of treatment, a statistically significant cellulite score reduction was observed.

At the end of the 6-month study period, a mean reduction of approximately 9% (compared with the placebo) was determined in subjects with a normal Body Mass Index (BMI).

This improvement was also recorded in participants with a BMI of more than 25, although the beneficial effect was less pronounced (4% reduction).

In terms of skin waviness, a statistically significant reduction of 8% on average was observed via skin surface profile measurement after 6 months of treatment. This was even more pronounced in the normal BMI study group, with a decrease in thigh skin waviness of 11.1%.

“With regard to the mode of action, it could be speculated that the efficacy of Bioactive Collagen Peptides (BCP) on cellulite treatment is based on its positive impact on dermal connective tissue synthesis,”​ the study noted.

The study referred to previous research​, where the creation of fibrillin, the main component of elastic skin fibres, was also affected by the oral administration of BCP.

Here, the increased production of the fibre matrix molecules resulted in the reduction of eye wrinkle deepness by 20% compared to the placebo group. The researchers speculated that this action could also explain the improvement in skin waviness in cellulite-prone skin observed in this study.

Cellulite like ‘orange peel’

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Cellulite is characterised by puckering and dimpling, giving the skin an ‘orange peel’ texture. (©

Cellulite affects approximately 85% of adult females and is characterised by puckering and dimpling, giving the skin an ‘orange peel’ texture.

“Like wrinkles, skin elasticity or skin moisture cellulite is not a health threat. Therefore it is not subjected to health claim regulations,”​ said a spokesperson for Gelita.

“Verisol is a natural ingredient (regulatory it is a foodstuff) without any side effects and no allergenic potential, which helps product developers as it supports clean label products.”

Approaches that have had limited success in treating cellulite include weight loss, oral supplements and functional foods. Scientific studies that examine the extent to which they improve the condition are limited as a successful treatment depends greatly on an improvement in the understanding of the pathophysiology of cellulite adipose tissue​.

Source: Journal of Medicinal Food

Published online ahead of print, DOI: 10.1089/jmf.2015.0022

“Dietary Supplementation with Specific Collagen Peptides Has a Body Mass Index-Dependent Beneficial Effect on Cellulite Morphology.”

Authors: Michael Schunck, Vivian Zague, Steffen Oesser, Ehrhardt Proksch

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