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Guest Article

New regulatory practices to dietary supplements in Canada endanger U.S. brand suppliers

By Aaron Skelton, President and Chief Executive Officer at Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA)

In an attempt to overhaul an already effective system, Health Canada's new regulatory measures for dietary supplements are inadvertently causing more harm than good – not only to Canadian consumers, retailers, and brands but also to U.S. suppliers.

Meet the 2023 NutraIngredients-USA Awards Ingredients of the Year

NutraIngredients-USA Awards 2023: Meet the Ingredients of the Year!

By Stephen Daniells

Six new “Ingredients of the Year” were announced at the recent NutraIngredients-USA Awards spanning beauty from within, cognitive function, healthy aging, prebiotic, sports nutrition, and weight management. Read on to meet the winners…

The skinny on berberine: Is it really #naturesozempic?

The skinny on berberine: Is it really #naturesozempic?

By Asia Sherman

Botanical extract berberine rose to viral fame earlier this year, touted by TikTok influencers as a weight loss miracle molecule and given the hashtag #naturesozempic. Social media, however, may not always be a credible source of information.

NutraCast: Supporting women in India and across the supply chain

NutraCast: Supporting women in India and across the supply chain

By Danielle Masterson

India’s rich heritage of traditional medicine like Ayurveda has made the country a powerful player in the natural products industry. As such, Women In Nutraceuticals (WIN) recently announced the appointment of Rajat Shah as Global liaison in India, marking...

NPA’s Fabricant on FDA reorg, HSAs/FSAs, Master Files, NMN and more

NPA’s Fabricant on FDA reorg, HSAs/FSAs, Master Files, NMN and more

By Stephen Daniells

From a proposed reorganization of the Food & Drug Administration to progress (or not) on the NMN situation, there’s a lot going on in the dietary supplements industry. We caught up with Daniel Fabricant, PhD, president and CEO of the Natural Products...

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Microbiome Briefing

The Growth of Probiotics in Europe

By Stephen Daniells

This year opened with news that France has joined the list of European countries that will allow the use of the term “Probiotic”. As dominoes continue to fall, we look at the opportunities for probiotics across the bloc, particularly supplements in the...

NutraCast: How Motherlove's 4-day work week boosts productivity

NutraCast: How Motherlove's 4-day work week boosts productivity

By Danielle Masterson

Nearly 95% of people desire a flexible work schedule, with flexibility ranking only second to compensation when it comes to what determines workplace satisfaction. This is according to new research from Future Forum, Slack’s research consortium, which...

© Rostislav_Sedlacek / Getty Images

Microbiome Briefing

Probiotics for weight management: A steady, growing opportunity

By Stephen Daniells

Obesity rates across the United States continue to surge, with the prevalence growing by over 10% over the last 20 years. Today, over 40% of the country's population is classified as obese. Fad diets and OTC products have failed to slow this, but...

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Guest Article

Ex-Health Canada NHP DG: ‘Cannabis is Canada’s New Wild West’

By Adam Gibson, President, True Moderation

When it comes to regulating CBD and cannabis, Canada is an extreme cautionary tale for the US, says Adam Gibson, the former Director General of Health Canada’s Non-prescription and Natural Health Products Directorate.

NutraCast: Power Leaves finds opportunity in decocainized coca

NutraCast: Power Leaves finds opportunity in decocainized coca

By Danielle Masterson

Power Leaves says it's breaking the monopoly on the supply of coca leaf extract and bringing on a ‘new age of coca’. Through an exclusive agreement with indigenous communities, the ingredient manufacturer and supplier has developed a legal Colombian...

NutraCast: Intake Health’s device that measures hydration in real-time

NutraCast: Intake Health’s device that measures hydration in real-time

By Danielle Masterson

Intake Health is working with several major pro sports teams to measure athlete hydration in real-time. But the technology they’re using isn’t a smart watch, an Oura Ring, or even a wearable. It’s a device that is affixed to locker room urinals. The company...

Industry pays tribute to Dr. Hector Lopez, raise $18k in proceeds

Industry pays tribute to Dr. Hector Lopez, raise $18k in proceeds

By Danielle Masterson

Earlier this year members of the industry gathered in San Diego at the Sports and Active Nutrition Summit to see expert presentations, panel discussions and a variety of networking opportunities. To kick off the three-day event, attendees gathered the...

Probiota Americas: Early bird discount expires this week

Probiota Americas: Early bird discount expires this week

With expert speakers confirmed from NOW, Nouri, Postbiotics+, Microba, Zbiotics, NC State University, FDA, Health Canada, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and more, the upcoming Probiota Americas is not to be missed.

Opportunities with Delivery Formats: Free webinar!

Free Webinar: Opportunities with Delivery Formats

By Stephen Daniells

Gummies, stick packs, effervescent, oral melt strips, liquids… consumers are definitely looking for convenient and experiential dietary supplement formats. An upcoming webinar will provide brands with all they need to know about the different forms.


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